Sajada Sahe
Question: When does one make Sajdah Sahw and how should it be observed?
Answer: If any or several of the Wajib acts of Salaah is left out forgetfully, it becomes Wajib to make Sajdah Sahw. By making Sajdah Sahw, the Salaah becomes proper. If one does not make Sajdah Sahw, the Salaah will have to be repeated.
The method of making Sajdah Sahw is that in the last Rakaat the person should recite the At Tahiyyat only and thereafter make Salaam to the right only and thereafter make two Sajdahs. He should then repeat the At Tahiyyat and thereafter recite the Durood, Dua, make Salaam to both sides and thereby complete his Salaah. [Behishti Zewar Page 212]
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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Trimming The Beard
Question: When should one trim the beard?
Answer: The Sunnah lenght of the beard is one fist.
It is narrated that Sayyidina Umar Al Farouq RA. once saw a person who had allowed his beard to grow beyond the natural limits. Sayyiduna Umar RA. instructed another person to cut that which grew beyond the lenght of one fist. After it had been trimmed, Sayyiduna Umar RA. said, "Why does one of you allow his beard to grow so long, that it makes him look like some wild animal?" - Umdatul Qari Vol 22, Page 47
This incident points to the fact that having an extremely long beard is despicable and that it is permissible to trim the beard after is surpasses the lenght of a fist.
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
Subscribe to the Daily Fiqh WhatsApp service by adding +27 72 071 3684 to your Contacts and sending a message with the word ‘Subscribe’. Visit www.dailyfiqh.co.za
Applying Itar(Perfume) On Friday
Question: Is it Sunnah to apply Itar (perfume) on a Friday?
Answer: Yes it is Sunnah to apply Itar on a Friday.
Mulla Ali Qari Rahimahullah has written that one should apply Itar on the following occasions:
* The day of Jumu’ah
* The day of Eid
* When acquiring knowledge
* When attending Islamic functions and gatherings
*Before entering the state of Ihraam
* When husband and wife meet - Jam'ul Wasa'il Page 5
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
Subscribe to the Daily Fiqh WhatsApp service by adding +27 72 071 3684 to your Contacts and sending a message with the word ‘Subscribe’. Visit www.dailyfiqh.co.za
Reward For Canceling A Transaction
Question: What is the reward for the businessman who cancels the transaction of an unhappy customer?
Answer: Sayyidina Abu Hurairah RA. narrates that Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said that Allah Ta’ala will annul the sins of the person who annuls the transaction of a Muslim and refunds him. [Targhib Vol 2 /Page 566]
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
Subscribe to the Daily Fiqh WhatsApp service by adding +27 72 071 3684 to your Contacts and sending a message with the word ‘Subscribe’. Visit www.dailyfiqh.co.za