

Question: When does one make Sajdah Sahw and how should it be observed?

Answer: If any or several of the Wajib acts of Salaah is left out forgetfully, it becomes Wajib to make Sajdah Sahw. By making Sajdah Sahw, the Salaah becomes proper. If one does not make Sajdah Sahw, the Salaah will have to be repeated.

The method of making Sajdah Sahw is that in the last Rakaat the person should recite the At Tahiyyat only and thereafter make Salaam to the right only and thereafter make two Sajdahs. He should then repeat the At Tahiyyat and thereafter recite the Durood, Dua, make Salaam to both sides and thereby complete his Salaah. [Behishti Zewar Page 212]

And Allah Knows Best

Yusuf Moosagie

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