

Question: When should one trim the beard?

Answer: The Sunnah lenght of the beard is one fist.

It is narrated that Sayyidina Umar Al Farouq RA. once saw a person who had allowed his beard to grow beyond the natural limits. Sayyiduna Umar RA. instructed another person to cut that which grew beyond the lenght of one fist. After it had been trimmed, Sayyiduna Umar RA. said, "Why does one of you allow his beard to grow so long, that it makes him look like some wild animal?" - Umdatul Qari Vol 22, Page 47

This incident points to the fact that having an extremely long beard is despicable and that it is permissible to trim the beard after is surpasses the lenght of a fist.

And Allah Knows Best

Yusuf Moosagie

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