Status of Islamic Will
Question: Is it obligatory to draw up an Islamic Will?
Answer: If a person passes away without a Will, in South Africa (or any Non Muslim country) then the Intestate Laws of inheritance of the country will be applied. These Laws are against the Shariah. Hence, to avoid this, it becomes necessary for a person to draw up an Islamic Will.
The Will should include: debtors, creditors, trusts, unfulfilled vows, Fidya and Kaffara for missed Salaah and Fast, etc
الوصية عير واجبة ؛ لانها تبرع بمنزلة الهبة ، والتبرعات ليست واجبة ، وهذا اذا لم يكن مشغول الذمة بنحو زكاة وفدية صوم وصلاة فرط فيها وإلا فواجبة [ اللباب في شرح الكتاب ج٣ ص٢٢٢]
And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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Wudhu Breaks In Tawaaf
Question: What should I do if while making Tawaaf my Wudhu breaks?
Answer: If your Wudhu breaks while making Tawaaf, you need to renew your Wudhu. After making a fresh Wudhu, continue your Tawaaf from the point where your Wudhu broke or you can restart that circuit.
فصل ؛ في واجبات الطواف - الاول ؛ الطهارة عن الحدث الأكبر والأصغر
[ارشاد الساري الى مناسك الملا علي القاري ٢١٣
فان أعاده فلا شيء عليه فانه متى طاف اَي طواف مع اَي حدث ثم أعاده سقط موجبه - [فتاوى الشىامي ج٣ص ٥٨٢ - امداديه ]
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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Classification of Talaaq
Question: What are different classifications of Talaaq in terms of how it is effected?
Answer: There are three classification:
1) Ahsanut Talaaq: When a man gives Talaaq to his wife while she is in a state of purity in which the husband did not have intercourse with her. He then stays away from her until the Iddah period passes.
2) Talaaq Hasan (Sunni): The husband pronounces three Talaaqs: one in each purity period in which there was no relations.
3) Talaaq Bid’ah: A man utters three Talaaqs in one sentence or he divorces her thrice during a single purity period. It is sinful for a man to utter Talaaq in this manner. Nevertheless, the Talaaq will be valid, the marriage will irreconcilably terminate.
The first type of Talaaq: Ahsanut Talaaq is the best type of Talaaq. It allows the husband to take his wife back before the Iddah period passes. If the Iddah past and the husband wishes to take his wife back, he may do so with a new Nikaah.
الطلاق على ثلاثة أوجه ؛ أحسن الطلاق وطلاق السنة - وطلاق البدعة : ان يطلق الرجل امرأته تطليقة واحدة في طهر لم يجامعها فيه ويتركها حتى تنقضى عدتها ، وطلاق السنة : ان يطلق المدخول بها في ثلاثة اطهر ، وطلاق البدعة : ان يطلقها ثلاثاً بكلمة واحدة ، أو ثلاثاً في طهر واحد ، وإذا فعل ذلك وقع الطلاق ، وبانت منه ، وكان عاصيا ( القدوري ص ١٦٧ )
And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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Perfume In Ihraam
Question: What is the ruling if someone applies perfume in Ihraam?
Answer: A Damm (sheep or goat) will be Wajib, if one applied perfume to an entire large limb; e.g. the face, hands, beard, thighs, forearms, upper arms, head, etc
Sadaqah (the amount of Sadaqatul Fitr) will be Wajib, if one applied perfume to a portion of a large limb or it was applied to an entire small limb, e.g. nose, ears, fingers, eyes, moustache, etc
Further more, if abundant perfume was used on a small limb or on quarter or more of a large limb, then too a Damm will be Wajib.
الواجب دم على محرم ان طيب عضواً ( كاملاً
فتاوى الشىامى ج ٣ ص ٥٧٤ - مكتبه امداديه
And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
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