What is Mudarabah Transaction?
Question: What is a Mudarabah business transaction?
Answer: Mudarabah is a type of partnership where one partner outlays his wealth and the other offers his skill/labour on the condition that they share the profit according to mutual agreement.
المضاربة عقد على الشركة بمال من احد الشريكين وعمل من الاخر ( اللباب في شرح الكتا ب ج٢/ص٦٠ )
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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Sunnah Practice After The Birth of A Child
Question: What are the Sunnah practices after the birth of a child?
Answer: On the seventh day, it is Mustahab to observe the following practices;
1) To give a name to the child.
2) To slaughter one sheep or goat for a girl and two for a boy.
3) To shave the baby’s hair.
4) To give charity of gold or silver (or the value of any of the two) equivalent to the weight of the hair.
It is preferable that the above practices be carried out in the sequence mentioned.
يستحب لمن ولد له ولد ان يسميه يوم اسبوعه ويحلق راسه ويتصدق بزنة شعره فضة او ذهبا ثم يعق عند الحلق عقيقة (فتاوى الشمامي ٦/٦٦٣)
قال علامة ظفر احمد عثماني ؛ وقال البغوي في التهذيب : يستحب الذبح قبل الحلق (اعلاء السنن ١٧/١١٩)
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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Holes In A Khuff
Question: Can a Khuff (leather sock) with holes be used?
Answer: If the holes are many, to the extent that thrice the size of one’s small toe is visible, the Khuff cannot be used for Masah (wiping on). However, if the extent of the holes are less than that, it will allowed.
ولا يجوز المسح على خُف فيه خرق كبير يُبين منه مقدار ثلاث أصابع من أصابع الرجل ، وان كان اقل من ذالك جاز ( اللباب في شرح الكتاب ج١ ص ٥٨ )
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
Subscribe to Daily Fiqh WhatsApp service by sending a message to +27 72 071 3684
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Liability For Borrowed Item
Question: A lady borrowed jewellery from a family member to use for a wedding. The night before the wedding she experienced a burglary and the jewellery got stolen. Is she responsible?
Answer: The status of a borrowed item in the hands of the borrower is like a trust: if it perishes without transgression then there is no liability on the borrower. Therefore, if the lady had stored the jewellery in a place of safekeeping in her home when the burglary took place - she will not be responsible to pay compensation to the owner. However if there was negligence on her behalf she will be responsible.
والعارية أمانة ؛ ان هلكت من غير تعد لم يضمن شيء ( اللباب في شرح الكتاب ج٢/١١٥)
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie