Wearing A Taweez
Question: Is it permissible to wear a Taweez(Amulet)
Answer:It is permissible to wear a Taweez provided that:
1) You places your trust in Allah Ta’ala.
2) Have conviction that benefit are harms is in the hand of Allah.
3) And the wordings of the Taweez must be correct and acceptable. (There should be no words of Shirk in it)
اجمع العلماء على جواز الرقية عند اجتماع ثلاثة شروط ؛ ان يكون بكلام الله تعالى وباسماءه وبصفاته ،وباللسان العربي أو بما يعرف معناه من غيره ، وان يعتقد ان الرقية لا تؤثر بذاتها بل بذات الله تعالى ( فتح الباري ج١٠ص ١٩٥ - كتاب الطب)
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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Types of Talaaq
Question: What are the different types of Talaaq (Divorce)?
Answer: There are three types of Talaaq:
1)Talaaq Raj’i (Revocable Divorce): This is issued in explicit words like, “You are divorced/ You are now a divorcee/ I divorce”. The divorce will occur when these words are uttered intentionally or unintentionally.
The wife will sit in iddah (waiting period). If the husband wishes to revoke the divorce he may do so during the Iddah period. He may revoke the divorce verbally by saying to her, ‘I take you back’ or by being intimate with her. If the husband does not revoke the divorce as explained above during the Iddah period, the divorce becomes an irrevocable divorce. Thereafter, if he wishes to take her back (after the Iddah period has lapsed), he can only do so after renewing the Nikah.
2) Talaaq Baa’in( Irrevocable Divorce): This is issued with ambiguous or indirect words like, “Go join your family/You are free/ Pack your bags, etc. ”. A Talaaq Baa’in will only occur when these types of words are uttered with an intention to issues divorce or there are circumstance which indicate towards it.
A husband may issue one or two Talaaq Baa’in. Once the Talaaq Baa’in has been issued the wife will sit in Iddah. If the husband wants to take her back he may do so after the Iddah with a new Nikaah.
3) Talaaq Mughallazah : This is when the husband has issued three Talaaqs at one instance or accumulatively (whether Raj’i or Baa’in ). The Nikaah will terminate permanently.
There is no possibility of reconciliation. However, if after observing the Iddah the wife happens to marry someone else and consummated the new marriage. Thereafter, if it occurs that her second husband divorces her or dies, then after observing Iddah from this marriage, she may then marry her first husband. [Kitabut Talaaq Page 169 to 180 – Quduri]
And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
Males Waering A Ring
Question: What is the Islamic ruling about a male wearing a ring?
Answer: A male is allowed to wear a sterling silver or silver plated ring with the condition that the silver content of the ring does not weigh more than 4.374 grams (1 Mithaal)
Wearing a silver ring is only considered a Sunnah for those who need to stamp with it, such as a Sultan, judge (qadhi), trustee, author, etc
It is best - for other than those who need to use a ring for stamping - not to wear a ring.
ولا يتختم الا بالفضة فيحرم بغيرها كحجر .... وترك التخم لغير السلطان والقاضي أفضل
قول الاختيار ؛ التختم سنة لمن يحتاج اليه كالسلطان
والقاضي ومن في معناهما
(فتاوى الشىامى ج٦ ص٣٦٢)
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
Join Daily Fiqh Group 8
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Where To Read The Sunnah Salaah
Question: Where should one perform the Sunnah Salaah: at home or in the Masjid?
Answer: It is more virtuous to perform the Sunnah Salaah at home. However, if there is a possibility that while intending to performing it at home, one may get caught up with other activities, then it is best to perform it in the Madjid.
صلاة المرء في بيته افضل من صلاته في مسجدي هذا الا المكتوبة - سنن الترمذي ج١ص ١٠٢ سعيد
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
Join Daily Fiqh Group 8
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