Question: What is the Islamic ruling about a male wearing a ring?
Answer: A male is allowed to wear a sterling silver or silver plated ring with the condition that the silver content of the ring does not weigh more than 4.374 grams (1 Mithaal)
Wearing a silver ring is only considered a Sunnah for those who need to stamp with it, such as a Sultan, judge (qadhi), trustee, author, etc
It is best - for other than those who need to use a ring for stamping - not to wear a ring.
ولا يتختم الا بالفضة فيحرم بغيرها كحجر .... وترك التخم لغير السلطان والقاضي أفضل
قول الاختيار ؛ التختم سنة لمن يحتاج اليه كالسلطان
والقاضي ومن في معناهما
(فتاوى الشىامى ج٦ ص٣٦٢)
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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