Sajdah Shukar
Question: Is it Sajdah Shukar (prostration of gratitude) an established practice?
Answer: When one attains a bounty or is saved from a calamity, then as a form a gratitude, it is best that one offers Two Rakaats of Salaah. If for what ever reason, one is not able to do that, then it is Mustahab (recommended) that one makes a Sajdah of Shukar. It is disliked that Sajdah Shukar be made after a Salaah.
وسجدة الشكر مستحبة ، به يفتى ، لكنها تكره بعد الصلاة ، لان الجهلة يعتقدونها سنة أو واجبة ، وكل مباح يؤ دى اليه فمكروه ( الدر المختار ج٢ص١١٩)
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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Vomiting While Fasting
Question: Does vomiting break one’s fast?
Answer: If you vomited unintentionally, your fast will not break (irrespective of the amount).
However, if you intentionally induced the vomit, your fast will break if the vomit is a mouthful. But if it is less than a mouthful, your fast will not break.
The definition of ‘mouthful’ is that which one cannot hold back in ones mouth without difficulty.
باب ما لا يفسد الصوم ... أو ذرعه القيء ، وعاد بغير صنعه
باب ما يفسد الصوم من غير كفارة ...أو استقاء ولو دون ملء الفم في ظاهر الرواية ، وشرط ابو يوسف ملء الفم ، وهو الصحيح ، أو أعاد ما ذرعه من القيء، وكان ملء الفم ( نور الايضاح ؛ص ١٨٩-١٩٨)
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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Salaam On A Memory Foam Mussallah
Question: Is it permissible to perform Salaah on a memory foam Mussallah?
Answer: The general principle is that while performing Salaah, your Sajdah will only be valid if you are able to feel the firmness of the ground through the mat on which you are making Sajdah.
Memory foam Mussallahs are of varying types and thicknesses, therefore it would not be possible to give a blanket ruling that would cover all types.
Needless to say, if it’s thin, your Salaah will be valid without any issue. If it’s thick, your Salaah will only be valid if you press your head down in Sajdah, till you feel the firmness of the ground.
Naturally, you may not always be conscious about pressing your head down, hence precaution demands that you avoid performing Salaah on a thick memory foam Mussallah.
لا يصح لعدم السجود على محله وبشرط طهارة المكان وأن يجد حجم الأرض (قال ابن عابدين رحمه الله:(تحت قوله ان يجد حجم الأرض) أو حشيش إلا إن وجد حجمه، ومن هنا يعلم الجواز على الطراحة القطن، فإن وجد الحجم جاز وإلا فلا (شامي ج 1 ص 500-501)
And Allah Knows Best
Muhammed Bulbulia
Yusuf Moosagie
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Ramadhan QnA: Medical Aspects Related To Fasting
Daily FIqh: Ramadhan QnA
???Medial Aspects Related To Fasting
Q: Is it permissible to use eye drops while fasting
A: Yes, it is permissible to use eye drops.
Q: Is it permissible to use ear drops while fasting?
A: Ear drops will not break one’s fast. However, if a person has a perforated eardrum, then it will not be permissible to use ear drops while fasting.
Q: Is it permissible to use an asthma pump while fasting?
A: It is not permissible to use an asthma pump while fasting. Using an asthma pump will invalidate the fast.
Q: Is it permissible to use a nasal spray while fasting?
A: No, it’s not permissible to use a nasal spray while fasting.
Q: Can one use Vicks while fasting?
A: Precaution demands that one should avoid inhaling Vicks while fasting.
Q: Does wearing an oxygen mask break one’s fast?
A: Oxygen masks do not invalidate the fast provided there is no medication put in the oxygen tank.
Q: Can one take an Insulin or a Vitamin B 12 injection, while fasting?
A: Generally, an injection does not nullify the fast. However, in the case where the injection is directly injected into the stomach or brain the fast will be nullified.
Q: Does a blood test break fast?
A: No
Q: Does doing dialysis breaks one’s fast
A: No
Q. Is it permissible to use a suppository whilst fasting?
A. No, using suppository will break one’s the fast.
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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