
Question: Is it Sajdah Shukar (prostration of gratitude) an established practice?

Answer: When one attains a bounty or is saved from a calamity, then as a form a gratitude,  it is best that one offers Two Rakaats of Salaah. If for what ever reason, one is not able to do that, then it is Mustahab (recommended) that one makes a Sajdah of Shukar. It is  disliked that Sajdah Shukar  be made after a  Salaah. 

وسجدة الشكر مستحبة ، به يفتى ، لكنها تكره بعد الصلاة ، لان الجهلة  يعتقدونها سنة أو واجبة ، وكل مباح يؤ دى اليه فمكروه ( الدر المختار ج٢ص١١٩)

And Allah Knows Best

Yusuf Moosagie 

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