Standing And Drinking
Question: What is the ruling with regards to standing and drinking?
Answer: Under general circumstance it is Makrooh (Reprehensible) to stand and drink. However, when drinking Zam Zam or the remaining water of Wudhu, one may either stand or sit.
(وان يشرب بعده من فضل وضوءه ) كماء زمزم ( مستقبل القبلة قائما ) أو قاعدًا ، وفيما عداهما يكره قائما تنزيها ( فتاوى الشامى ج١ ص ١٢٩)
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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Laws Applicable To Lady During Her Menses
Question: What laws are applicable to a menstruating woman?
Answer: There are five laws applicable:
1. She may neither perform Salah nor fast (Fard or Nafl) during the days of her menses.
2. She may neither enter a Masjid nor make Tawaaf.
3. She may not read the Quran.
4. She may not touch the Mus-haf of the Quraan except with a detachable barrier.
5. Her husband may not have intercourse with her.
والحيض يسقط عن الحاءض الصلاة ، ويحرم عليها الصوم ، وتقضيي الصوم ، ولا تقضي الصلاة ، ولا تدخل المسجد ، ولا تطوف بالبيت ، ولا يأتيها زوجها ، ولا يجوز لحاءض ، ولا لجنب قراءة القران ولا يجوز للمحدث مس المصحف ، الا ان ياخذه بغلافه ( القدوري ٥٤)
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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Can A Child Give Charity
Question: Is a child allowed to give charity form his own wealth?
Answer: No, a child is not allowed to give charity from his/her own wealth. However, occasionally, parents should give their children money (from their own wealth) to give out in charity. This should be done to accustom them to giving charity from a young age.
وشرائطه صحتها في الواهب العقل والبلوغ والملك ( فلا تصح هبة صغير ورقيق -
قال ابو منصور يجب على المؤمن ان يعلم ولده الجود والاحسان كما يجب عليه ان يعلمه التوحيد والايمان اذ حب الدنيا راس كل خطيءة نهاية ( فتاوى الشامى ج٥ص ٦٧٧)
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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Can Heir Be An Executor
Question: Can I appoint one of my heirs as an executor to my estate?
Answer: Yes, you may appoint one of your heirs as an executor to your estate. If fact it is preferable to appoint an heir as an executor.
ولو الى صبي وَعبد غيره وكافر وفاسق بدل بغيرهم ، فَلَو بلغ الصبي وعتق العبد واسلم الكافر لم يخرجهم القاضي عنها ....
ووصي ابي الطفل احق بماله من جده
[ فتاوي الشامي ج٦ ص ٦٩٩-٦١٤]
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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