
Question: Is a child allowed to give charity form his own wealth?

Answer: No, a child is not allowed to give charity from his/her own wealth.  However, occasionally, parents should give their children money (from their own wealth) to give out in charity. This should be done to accustom them to giving charity from a young age. 

وشرائطه صحتها في الواهب العقل والبلوغ والملك  ( فلا تصح هبة صغير ورقيق -

قال ابو منصور يجب على المؤمن ان يعلم ولده الجود والاحسان كما يجب عليه ان يعلمه التوحيد والايمان اذ حب الدنيا راس كل خطيءة نهاية ( فتاوى الشامى ج٥ص ٦٧٧)

And Allah Knows Best

Yusuf Moosagie 

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