Death In Car Accident
Question: A drivers who was excessively speeding meets in accident. A person loses his life. Will the driver be held responsible?
Answer: If the driver violated traffic laws and was speeding, he will be considered responsible for the death of the person. This will be considered as Qatl Khata (An Unintentional Killing).The driver will be liable to pay Diyyat (blood money) and observe Kaffarah (fast for two months continuously).
The blood money is 100 camels or 10 000 Dirhams or 1000 Dinaars. 1 Dirham is equivalent to 3.06 grams of Silver, 1 Dinaar is equivalent to 4.374 grams of Gold. The amount may be paid in cash immediately or over a period of three years.
والدية في الخطأ أخماس منها (من بنت مخاض وبنت لبون وحقة إلي جذعة) ومن إبن مخاض أخماسا أو ألف دينار من الذهب أو عشرة آلاف درهم من الورق. الدر المختار مع رد المحتار (573\6).
And Allah Ta’ala Know Best
Yusuf Moosagie
5th September 2018
What Is Khula
Question: What is Khula?
Answer: If a couple are hopelessly at odds with each other and the husband is not willing to issue a divorce then the wife can request Khula. Khula basically is when the wife offers to give money to her husband in lieu of her freedom from the marriage.
Khula will be transacted with an offer from the wife and an acceptance from the husband.
While Khula can be done on any amount money, the Fuqaha have rendered it Makrooh (Reprehensible) for the husband to demand more than he had given in Mahr (dowry).
Khula is equivalent to one irrevocable divorce and the wife will observe the Iddah.
اذا تشاق الزوجان وخافا ان لا يقيما حدود الله فلا باس ان تفتدي نفسها منه بمال يخلعها به ؛ فإذا فعل ذلك وقع بالخلع تطليقة باءنة ولزم المال ....
كره له ان يأخذ منها اكثر مما أعطاها ( اللباب فى شرح الكتاب ج٢ص١٨٨)
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
Fasting On Day of Arafah
Question: What is the status of fasting on the day of Arafah?
Answer: It is Mustahab (Highly Recommend) to fast on the day of Arafah (the 9th of Dhul Hijjah).
Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said; “Fasting on the Day of Arafah expiates the sins of two years: the previous year and the coming year.” [Muslim]
وأما المندوب ....كل صوم ثبت طلبه والوعد عليه بالسنة ( حاشية الطحطاوي ٥٢٨ )
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
Handling Fee On Cancellation
Question: Is it permissible for a shop owner to charge the customer a handling charge when an item returned?
Answer: A cancellation of transaction will only take place with mutual agreement of the buyer and seller. Upon cancellation the entire amounts needs to be refunded. Hence, it is not permissible for the seller to charge the buyer a handling charge.
الإقالة جائزة في البيع بمثل الثمن الاول ، فان شرط اقل منه أو اكثر فالشرط باطل ، ويرد مثل الثمن الاول ( اللباب في شرح الكتاب ج ٢ ص ٢١٧)
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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