Method of Masah on Khufain
Question: What is method for making Masah (passing a wet hand) on Kuffain(leather socks)?
Answer: The method is as follows:
• Wet both hand.
• Draw the fingers of each hand on the upper surface of each Khuff starting from the toes and ending above the ankle.
•Masah of the right Khuff will be done with the right hand and the left Khuff with the left hand
• Masah should only be done once on each sock.
[Tahtawi Page 101]
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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Unwanted Islam Literature
Question: What should one do with unwanted literature that contain Islamic content?
Answer:Books, newspapers, magzines, etc. that contain the name of Allah, the name of the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam or verses of the Quraan should be buried.
المصحف إذا صار بحال لا يقرأ فيه يدفن كالمسلم - شامي ج1 / ص320
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
Subscribe to the Daily Fiqh WhatsApp service by adding +27 72 071 3684 to your Contacts and sending a message with the word ‘Subscribe’. Visit www.dailyfiqh.co.za
Mahr ul Fatimi
Question: What is Mahr Fatimi?
Answer: Mahr ul-Fatimi is the mahr( dowry) Sayyidina Ali Radhiyallahu Anhu gave to Fatima Radhiyallahu Anha. The amount is 500 Dirhams. (Fatawaa Mahmoodiya)
One Dirham equals to approximately 3.06 grams of silver. 500 Dirhams multipled by 3,06 grams equals to 1530 grams of silver. The value of this amount will considered to be the Mahr ul Fatimi.
P.S. The Mahr Fatimi amount in South Africa as per August 2016 is: R15201.38 (Jamiatul Ulama South Afrcia)
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
Subscribe to the Daily Fiqh WhatsApp service by adding +27 72 071 3684 to your Contacts and sending a message with the word ‘Subscribe’. Visit www.dailyfiqh.co.za
Sunnah Dress Code
Question: What is the Sunnah dress code for a male?
Answer: The preferred Sunnah dress code for a male is to wear a Qamees (long upper garment: kurta) and a pant or loincloth. All garments should be above the ankles.
عن أم سلمة قالت كان أحب الثياب إلى رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- القميص (سنن أبي داود رقم 4027)
Umme Salma Radiyallahu Anha narrates that Nabi Sallallahu Alayhe Wasallam preferred the Qamees over all other types of clothing.
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
Subscribe to the Daily Fiqh WhatsApp service by adding +27 72 071 3684 to your Contacts and sending a message with the word ‘Subscribe’. Visit www.dailyfiqh.co.za