Question: What is Mahr Fatimi?
Answer: Mahr ul-Fatimi is the mahr( dowry) Sayyidina Ali Radhiyallahu Anhu gave to Fatima Radhiyallahu Anha. The amount is 500 Dirhams. (Fatawaa Mahmoodiya)
One Dirham equals to approximately 3.06 grams of silver. 500 Dirhams multipled by 3,06 grams equals to 1530 grams of silver. The value of this amount will considered to be the Mahr ul Fatimi.
P.S. The Mahr Fatimi amount in South Africa as per August 2016 is: R15201.38 (Jamiatul Ulama South Afrcia)
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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