Fishing With Live Bait
Question: Is it permissible to use live bait to catch fish?
Answer: No, it is not permissible to use live bait, whether worms, insects or small fish. The prohibition is due to the fact that, these creatures are subjected to pain and torture when being placed on the hook for fishing.[Fataawa Mahmudiyya, Vol. 12, Pg. 397].
Rasulullâh sallallâhu alaihi wasallam mentions in a Hadeeth-Qudsi that Allah Ta’aala proclaims: “Those who show mercy are (in turn) shown mercy by the Most Merciful (i.e. by Allâh Ta’âlâ). Show mercy upon the creatures of the earth; so that He who is in the heavens may show mercy upon you.” [Sunan Abu Dawood, Vol. 2]
و كره الصيد بالخراطين حية و كذا بكل شئ فيه الروح لما فيه من تعذيب الحيوان (اعلاء السنن ، ج 17، ص 201 )
Yusuf Moosagie
BBM Channel: C003CE32F
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Acquiring Wealth
Question: Does Islam scorn upon, acquiring wealth of this world?
Answer: Wealth in itself is not condemned by Islam. In various places in the Noble Quraan, Allah Ta’ala refers to wealth of this world as ‘Al Khair’: goodness.
There is no problem with attaining wealth, provided that one adheres to the following conditions:
1) One does not have intense or excessive love for wealth.
2) Wealth does not make a person negligent of the divine injunctions of Allah.
3) A persons pays Zakaah and other obligatory dues.
4) One should not compete with others in amassing wealth.
5) The intention for acquiring wealth should not be to boast and show off.
If the above requisite are adheres to there will bo no problem with attaining wealth of this world.
Yusuf Moosagie
BBM Channel: C003CE32F
Subscribe to the Daily Fiqh WhatsApp service by adding +27 72 071 3684 to your Contacts and sending a message with the word ‘Subscribe’.
Gift Given to a Child
Question: If a family member gives clothing as a gift to a child, will it be permissible for siblings to later, use the clothing when it no longer fits the child to whom it was given?
Answer: Clothing (or any other items) given to a child, become the property of the child. The father (or the guardian) does not have the right to give the clothing as gift or on loan to anyone else. If the father wishes, to give the clothing to a younger child, he will have to purchase the item at an appropriate price. (No physical transaction is necessary as the father is the buyer and seller in this case. He will merely have to stipulate the price.)
Upon purchasing the clothing the father will use the money for the child’s benefit as he deems fit. He could, for example, invest it, keep it as a trust or even use it to purchase the necessities of the child.
قوله (فان نفقة المملوك علي مالكه والغني في ماله الحاضر) يشمل العقار والأردية والثياب, فاذا أحتيج الي النفقة كان للأب بيع ذلك كله و ينفق عليه لانه غني بهذه الأشياء ) رد المحتار ص612 ج3
Yusuf Moosagie
BBM Channel: C003CE32F
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A Trust Becoming Destroyed
Question: A man entrusted his goods with his friend. While the goods were in the possession of the friend, the goods were destroyed. Who is responsible?
Answer: If the goods were destroyed due to negligence or carelessness of the friend; then he will be responsible. However, if the friend adopted protective measures and was not negligent in any way; then he will not be responsible.
ولو قال المودع: وضعت الوديعة بين يدي، فقمت ، ونسيتها ، فضاعت ضمن -( الفتاوى العالمكيرية ج4ص 342)
Yusuf Moosagie
Twitter: @DailyFiqhQnA
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