Zakaat On 9 Carat Gold Jewellery
Question: Is there Zakaat on 9 carat gold?
Answer: Gold is measured by carats. Pure gold is 24 carats. 9 carat gold contains 9 portions of gold and 15 portions of other metals i.e. 9 carat contains 37.44% of gold.
Zakaat will only be payable on the pure gold content contained in 9 carat gold jewellery, if the content (in one or several jewellery items) reaches 85 grams by itself or it reaches the value of Nisaab by adding cash on hand or by adding the value of other Zakatable goods to it.
The Zakaat amount payable will be calculated based on the value of the gold on the day when one is obliged to pay one’s Zakaat.
One should consult a jeweller to determine the gold content and calculate the Zakaat on one’s jewellery.
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
Facing Legs Towards Qiblah
Question: What is the ruling about facing one’s feet towards the Qiblah?
Answer: It reprehensible(makrooh) and disrespectful to face one’s feet in the direction of the Qiblah while sitting, lying down or sleeping.
ويكره تحريما استقبال القبلة بالفرج كما كره مد رجليه في نوم أو غيره ؛ اَي عمدا لانه إساءة أدب (الدر المختار ج١ ص ٦٥٥)
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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Fidya For Missed Fast of a Deceased Person
Question: A man died with unfulfilled Qada fast. He left a bequest that his executor pay his Fidya from his estate. What is the duty of the executor?
Answer: The bequest will be fulfilled from one third of the estate. The executor will feed a poor Muslim one meal or give the Fidya amount of R20 to a poor Muslim for every fast missed. (The amount of R20 is for November 2017)
ومن مات وعليه قضاء رمضان فأوصى به أطعم عنه وليه ( اللباب ج١ص١٦٠)
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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Wasiyyah For A Heir
Question: Can one make a Wasiyyah (bequeath) for a heir?
Answer: A Wasiyyah for an heir is invalid. However, if all heirs (on the condition that all are matured) willingly agree to execute the Wasiyyah it may be implemented.
ولا تجوز الوصية لوارث الا ان يجيزها الورثة ( القدوري ج٣ ص٢٢٢)
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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