Blood Test
Question: Does taking a blood test break’s one Wudhu?
Answer: If the blood extracted is so much that, if the needle was not there, the blood would have flowed out of the area of extraction, then the Wudhu will break.
Wudhu Duas In A Bathroom
Question: Is it permissible to read Wudhu Duas when performing Wudhu in bathroom that has a high toilet?
Answer: Yes, it will be permissible to read the Wudhu Duas audibly, if the lid of the high toilet is closed and the toilet has been flushed. [Fatawaa Darul Uloom Zakkariya V1/P668]
Making An Intention For Fasting
Question: Is it necessary to make a verbal intention, for the fast of Ramadhan?
Answer: For the validity of a fast, it is necessary to make an intention in the time in which in intentions is valid. However, a verbal intention is not obligatory i.e. making the intention in one’s heart is sufficient.
Brushing Your Teeth While Fasting
Question: Is it permissible to brush one’s teeth while fasting? Answer: It is Makrooh to use toothpaste while you are fasting. If per chance the toothpaste goes down your throat, it will invalidate your fast. Rather use the Miswaak, which is a great Sunnah