Missing Fast Because of Sickness
Question: Does a sick person have to fast in Ramadhan?
Answer: There is concession for a sick person not to fast in Ramadhan, if due to fasting, his illness will intensify or his recovery will be prolonged.
The person will make Qadha for the missed fast, after Ramadhan.
ومن كان مريضاً في رمضان فخاف ان صام ازداد مرضه وقضى ( القدوري ٢٤٤)
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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Intention For Fasting
Question: Is it necessary to make an intention when fasting?
Answer: It is necessary to have an intention for an act of worship to be valid. What is meant by an intention is for a person to know in his heart what act of worship he is intending to do. This is sufficient for the validity for an action.
One may verbalise his intention for fasting in the following way;
نَوَيْت أَنْ أَصُومَ غَدًا لِلَّهِ تَعَالَى
“I intend to fast tomorrow for Allah the Exalted”
If a person is making an intention in the morning i.e. before fajar until Dahwatul Kubra (midday) one may make the following intention:
نَوَيْت أَنْ أَصُومَ هَذَا الْيَوْمَ لِلَّهِ تَعَالَى
“I intend to fast the fardh fast today for Allah the Exalted”
من شرط الصيام النية (شرح مختصر الطحاوي ج٢ص٤٠٣
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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Eating Suhoor
Question: It is it necessary to have Suhoor( the predawn meal when one is intending to fast)?
Answer: The Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said:
" تَسَحَّرُوا فَإِنَّ فِي السَّحُورِ بَرَكَةً " رواه البخاري (١٩٢٣)
“Eat Suhoor, because there are blessings in eating Suhoor.” [Bukhari ]
It is Sunnah to part take Suhoor. If one is not hungry, one should at least eat a few dates or drink some water.
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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What Is Fast?
Question: What is the Islamic definition of Sawm(Fast)?
Answer:Linguistically, Sawm means abstention. In Shariah, it means to abstain from food, drink and sexual relations from dawn until sunset with the intention of fasting.
عبارة عن إمساك مخصوص (وهو الكف عن قضاء الشهوتين ؛ شهوة البطن وشهوة الفرج ) من شخص مخصوص (وهو ان يكون طاهراً من الحيض والنفاس ) في وقت مخصوص (وهو ما بعد طلوع الفجر الى الغروب ) بصفة مخصوصة ( وهو ان يكون على قصد التقرب) كذا في الجوهر ة [المعتصر الضروري ص ٢٣٧]
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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