Dua For The New Islamic Year
Question: What Dua should a person read at the beginning of the new Islamic year?
Answer: The Sahabah Radhiyallahu Anhum would recite the following Dua at the commencement of a new month/year:
اللهم أَدْخِلْهُ عَلينا بِالأمْنِ وَالإيمان وَالسَّلامَةِ وَالإسْلام وَرِضْوَانٍ مِّنَ الرَّحْمن وجوارٍ مِّنَ الشَّيْطان
O Allah, bring this (month /year) upon us with security, Iman, safety, while remaining in the religion of Islam, with your pleasure and protection from Shaytan. ( Tabrani 6241, Hayatus Sahaba Vol 3 Page 386)
And Allah Ta’ala Knows best,
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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Laws of Sutra (Barrier)
Question: What are the rules pertaining to placing a Sutra in front of a person performing Salaah?
Answer: The Sutra is a stick which is placed in front a Mussalli (worshipper) as a barrier to allow people to pass.
The Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said:
اذا صلى احدكم فليصل الى سترة (رواه ابو داؤد)
“When you perform Salaah, use a Sutrah” [Abu Dawood]
A person performing Salaah in an open place or in such a place (in a Masjid) where people may need to pass in front of him, he should place a Sutra in front of himself.
The sutra should be at least an arm’s length and not longer than three arm’s length
The Sutra of the Imam will be sufficient for the followers.
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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Total Rakaats of Jumuah
Question: How many Rakaats should a person perform for Jumuah Salaah in total?
Answer: Jumuah Salaah consists of a total of twelve Rakaats: four Rakaats of Sunnah Muakkadah before, then two Fardh (with the Imam), then four Rakaats of Sunnah Muakkadah after, and finishing with a further two Rakaats of Sunnah Ghair-Muakkadah.
As for a lady (performing Salaah at home), she will perform her normal Thuhr Salaah i.e. four Sunnah Muakkadah before, followed the four Fardh, then two Sunnah Muakkadah and two Sunnah Ghai-Muakkadah.
وسن مؤكدا اربع قبل الظهر وركعتان بعدها ، واربع قبل الجمعة واربع بعدها
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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Dua For Relieve From Debt
Question: What Dua should one read for easy in paying a debt?
Answer: Ali R.A. narrates that a slave who had a contract to earn his freedom came to him and said: "I am unable to pay the price for my freedom. Please help me." Ali R.A. said: "Should I not teach you some words which the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam taught me?Say:
اللَّهُمَّ اكْفِنِي بِحَلَالِكَ عَنْ حَرَامِكَ، وَأَغْنِنِي بِفَضْلِكَ عَمَّنْ سِوَاكَ(رواه الترمذي )
"O Allah, grant me sufficient of what You have made lawful so that I have no need for what you have made unlawful, and make me independent of all, apart from You, by Your bounty" (Tirmidhi, Hakim)
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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