Licking The Finger After Meal
Question: Is it Sunnah to lick the fingers after a meal? Is there any sequence to be observed?
Answer: It is Sunnah to lick one’s fingers after meals.
Imam Tabrani R.A quotes Sayyiduna Ka'b Ibn Ujrah Radiyallahu Anhu as saying: " I saw Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam eating with three fingers which were the thumb, the index and the middle finger. Thereafter, I saw him licking them in the following sequence; firstly, the middle finger, then the index finger and lastly, the thumb. (Majma Vol 5 Page 19)
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
Subscribe to the Daily Fiqh WhatsApp service by adding +27 72 071 3684 to your Contacts and sending a message with the word ‘Subscribe’. Visit www.dailyfiqh.co.za
Who Are A Ladies Mahrams
Question: What does the word Mahram mean and who are the Mahrams of a female?
Answer: The word Mahram refers to those people with whom marriage is not permissible.
For a female they are as follow: father (including foster father), grandfather (both maternal and paternal), son, grandson (whether sons’ son or daughters’ son), brother (whether real, consanguine, uterine or foster) brother’s son, sister’s son, uncle (both maternal and paternal) and father-in-law.
حرم (على المتزوج ذكرا كان او انثى نكاح) اصله وفروعه وبنت اخيه واخته وبنتها وعمته وخالته فهذه السبعة مذكورة في اية (حرمت عليكم امهاتكم - النساء 23) [رد المحتار ج 4 ص 100]
Yusuf Moosagie
Subscribe to the Daily Fiqh WhatsApp service by adding +27 72 071 3684 to your Contacts and sending a message with the word ‘Subscribe’.
Sleeping With Wudhu
Question: What is the reward for going to sleep with Wudhu?
Answer: Sayyiduna Anas R.A. narrates that Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said that the person who sleeps in a state of Wudhu and passes away during the night, will be a Shahid, i.e. he will attain the reward of a martyr. Kanz Vol 19/Page 734
Sayyiduna Umar Ibn Hurayth R.A narrates that Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said: "The person who sleeps with Wudhu receives the reward of one who fasts during the day, and worships Allah during the night." Fayd Qadir Vol 6 Page 293
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
Subscribe to the Daily Fiqh WhatsApp service by adding +27 72 071 3684 to your Contacts and sending a message with the word ‘Subscribe’. Visit www.dailyfiqh.co.za
When To Perform Salatul Istisqaa
Question: When should Salatul Istisqaa be performed?
Answer: Salatul Istisqaa is a Salaah that is performed to seek rain at a time of severe water shortage: when rain has been withheld and there is insufficient water in the rivers and dams. [Radul Muhthar Vol 1 Page 883]
وشرعا: طلب انزال المطر بكيفية مخصوصة عند شدة الحاجة بان يحبس المطر ، ولم يكن لهم ادوية وابار وانهار يشربون منها ويسقون مواشيهم وزرعهم، او كان ذلك الا انه لا يكفي، فاذا كان كافيا لا يستسقي كما في المحيط ( رد المحتار ج1 ص 888)
For details on how to perform Salatul Istisqaa and other related laws, listen to https://youtu.be/EziqGCRxn4Q
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
Subscribe to the Daily Fiqh WhatsApp service by adding +27 72 071 3684 to your Contacts and sending a message with the word ‘Subscribe’. Visit www.dailyfiqh.co.za