Intention For Nafl & Sunnah
Question: What is the last time for a person to make an intention for a Nafl or Sunnah fast?
Answer: It is best to make the intention for fast during the previous night (at the time Suhoor). However, for Nafl and Sunnah fast, there is leeway to make an intention until the time of Dahwatul Kubra (exactly midway between the break of dawn and sunset ). This is, obviously, provided that the person did not consume anything that morning from the time of the break of dawn.
والنفل- يصح بنية من الليل الى ما قبل نصف النهار (الطحطاوي 530)
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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Procedure Of Sajdah Tilawat
Question: What is the procedure to perform a Sajdah Tilawat?
Answer: There are 14 Sajdah Tilawats in The Quran. These have been marked with the word ‘As Sajdah’ in the margin. When a person recites or hears any of these verses, a Sajdah Tilawat becomes necessary.
The procedure is as follows:
In the state of Wudhu, facing the Qiblah, from either a standing or sitting position, a person says: 'Allahu Akbar' (without raising the hands) and goes down into Sajdah. In Sajdah the person will read 'Subhaana Rabbiyal A'ala' three times. Then he will raise from Sajdah saying; 'Allahu Akbar'.The Sajdah Tilawat will be complete. (There is no Salaam.)
وشرطها: الطهارة عن الحدث والخبث ، وأستقبال القبلة ، وستر العورة وركنها وضع الجبهة على الارض ( الطحطاوي 390
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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Dua After Durood Ebrahim
Question: What should one read after reciting Durood Ebrahim in the final sitting of Salaah?
Answer: Sayyidina Abu Bakr radiallahu anhu narrates that he asked Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam to teach him a Dua that he could recite in his Salaah. Nabi Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam instructed him to recite the following Dua:
اللهم إني ظلمت نفسي ظلما كثيرا ولايغفر الذنوب إلا أنت فاغفر لي مغفرة من عندك وارحمني إنك أنت الغفور الرحيم (جامع الترمذي رقم 3531)
"O Allah, I have wronged myself many a time, and none forgives sins except You, so redeem me with your forgiveness, you are indeed the One who is Oft-Forgiving Oft-Merciful."
One may recite the above Dua or any other Dua that is found in the Quraan or Ahadith.
ويسن الدعاء بعد الصلاة على النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم بما يشبه الفاظ القرآن والسنة (الطحطاوي 221)
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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Hajj Maqbool & Hajj Mabroor
Question: What does 'Maqbool Hajj' and 'Mabroor Hajj' mean?
Answer: A Maqbool Hajj is an accepted Hajj, for which a person will attain full reward by Allah.
A 'Mabroor Hajj' is a Hajj which was observed correctly, without any deficiencies or violations ( without commiting an act warranting a Damm or Kaffarah).
والقبول المترتب عليه الثواب يبتني على اشياء: كحل المال ولاخلاص كما لو صلى مراءيا او صام واغتاب، فان الفعل صحيح لكنه بلا ثواب (رد المحتار ج2 ص 456)
وهو (اي الحج المبرور) ما لا جناية فيه [ فيض الباري 3/62]
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