Reading Social Messages In The Toilet
Question: Is it permissible to read WhatsApp messages in the toilet?
Answer: One should abstain from using the mobile phone in the toilet, as reading and talking in the toilet are against the Islamic ettiquettes of using the toilet.[ Hashiyatut Thahtaw 54]
Furthermore, thesedays, Islamic content is also circulated on WhatsApp and social media. By reading messages in the the toilet, there is a possibility that the name of Allah, verses of the Quraan, Ahadith, etc may be exposed in the toilet, which is prohibited.
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
Subscribe to the Daily Fiqh WhatsApp service by adding +27 72 071 3684 to your Contacts and sending a message with the word ‘Subscribe’. Visit www.dailyfiqh.co.za
Reading Quraan on A Cell-Phone
Question: Is it permissible to touch the screen of a cell phone with the Quraan on it, without Wudhu ?
Answer: When verses of the Quraan are being displayed on the screen, the area upon which the verses are displayed should NOT be touched without Wudhu.
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
Sleeping With Wudhu
Question: What is the benefit of sleeping with Wudhu?
Answer: Sayyiduna Abdullah Ibn Umar RA. narrates that the souls transcend to the heavens whilst one is sleeping. Those souls that are in the state of Wudhu prostrate before the Arsh (mighty thtone) of Allah. Shu'abul Imaan Vol5 Page 176
Hafiz Ibn Hajar RA. writes that by sleeping with Wudhu, the Shayatin (devils) do not interfere with a person, and he has true dreams. Fathil Bari Vol 5 Page 176
[Ash-Shama'il al-Kubra]
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
Subscribe to the Daily Fiqh WhatsApp service by adding +27 72 071 3684 to your Contacts and sending a message with the word ‘Subscribe’. Visit www.dailyfiqh.co.za
Intention When Discharging Zakaat
Question: Is it necessary to make an intention when discharging Zakaat?
Answer: At the time of giving Zakaat to a poor person, one must have the intention in his heart that he is giving this money as Zakaat. If he merely gives it without making an intention, the Zakaat will not be fulfilled. The person will have to give Zakaat again and he will be rewarded separately for the money that he has already given. [Behishti Zewar Page 336]
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
Subscribe to the Daily Fiqh WhatsApp service by adding +27 72 071 3684 to your Contacts and sending a message with the word ‘Subscribe’. Visit www.dailyfiqh.co.za