Sunnah Before Esha
Question: How many Rakaats should one read before the Fardh of Esha?
Answer: It is Mustahab to perform four Rakaats before the Fardh of Esha. [Quduri Page 99]
The four Rakaats are not mentioned specifically in a Hadith. Proof is taken from the Hadith
بين كل اذانين صلاة لمن شاء ( صحيح البخاري ج١ص١٧٤)
The Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said; “Between the Azaan and Iqamah there is a Salaah.”
Imam Abu Hanifa is of the opinion that “Salaah” in its complete form and quality is four Rakaats. [Munyatul Musalli Lil Halbi]
And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
From Where Should Hajj E Badal Be Done?
Question: The Marhoom (Deceased) lived in South Africa - can Hajj - E- Badal be made on behalf of the Marhoom by someone from Makkah or Medina?
Answer: The basic ruling for Hajj-e-Badal is that it should performed by a person who lives is in the same city/country as the Marhoom. If there is not enough money to perform Hajj from the country of the deceased, one may pay someone closer to the Haram to do the Hajj-e-badal.
ان يحج عنه من وطنه ان اتسع الثلث وان لم يتسع يحج عنه من حيث يبلغ ( ارشاد الساري ٦٢٠)
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
Eating On Eid Day
Question: What is the ruling with regards to eating before the Eid Salaah on Eidul Adha?
Answer: It is Sunnah not to eat anything before the Eid ul Adha Salaah. Furthermore, it is desirable to eat from the meat of the animal slaughtered before consuming anything else.
Sayyiduna Buraidah (Radhiallahu Anhu) reports that on the occasion of Eid ul Adha, Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) he would not eat until he returned from the Eid salaah (and partook of the sacrificed animal). [ibn Majah]
(لكنه فى الضحى يؤخر الاكل عن الصلاة )
استحبابا فانه قدمه لا يكره فى المختار لانه عليه الصلاة والسلام كان لا يطعم في يوم الأضحى حتى يرجع فياكل من اضحيته فلذا قيل لا يستحب تأخيره الاكل الا لمن يضحى ليأكل منها اولا ( حاشية الطحطاوي ٤٤٠)
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
Join Daily Fiqh Group 9 https://chat.whatsapp.com/B8pOIv9YVZx2M5o17bnGzi
Zakaat On Land
Question: Is there Zakaat on land I bought?
Answer: If you purchased the land with the intention of keeping the land then you do not have to to pay Zakaat on the land. However, If you purchased the land with the intention of re-selling, it would be considered as stock in trade; therefore you are obligated to pay Zakaat on the current market value of the land.
ولا في ثياب البدن وأثاث المنزل ودور السكنى وتحوها ( اذا لم تنو للتجارة ) [ فتاوى الشىامى ج٣ ص١٨٢]
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
Join Daily Fiqh Group 9 https://chat.whatsapp.com/B8pOIv9YVZx2M5o17bnGzi
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