Sunnah After Zawaal
Question: What is the status of performing 4 Rakaats immediately after Zawaal?
Answer: Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Saa’ib Radiyallahu Anhu reports that Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam use to perform four Rakaats after Zawaal before the Dhuhr Salaah. Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, “This is a time when the doors to the heavens are open, therefore I would like that a good action of mine goes up (at this time)”. (Jamiut Tirmidhi- Kitabus Salaah)
Hence, it is Sunnah to perform four Rakaats after Zawaal before the Dhuhr Salaah. These four Rakaats are separate from the four Sunnatul Muakkadah before Dhuhr. These Sunnah are referred to as Sunnatuz Zawaal.
And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
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Paying Zakaat From The Estate
Question: What is the ruling if a person passes away without discharging his Fardh Zakat?
Answer: If the deceased made a bequest, then the Zakaat will be discharged from up to one third of the deceased’s estate. However, if the deceased passed away without a bequest, then it will not be compulsory on the heirs to discharge the Zakaat from the estate.
Notwithstanding the above, if any of the heirs desire to voluntarily pay the Zakaat on behalf of the deceased, they may do so.
ومن أوصى بوصايا من حقوق الله قدمت الفراءض ...مثل الحج والزكاة - اللباب في شرح الكتاب ج٣ ص٢٢٨)
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Extracting A Tooth While Fasting
Question: Will extracting a tooth break my fast?
Answer: Extracting a tooth in itself will not break the fast. However, while extracting the tooth there is a strong possibility that some substance, particle or water may go down the throat which would invalidate the fast. With regards to blood going down the throat, the fast will be invalidated if the amount of blood exceeds the amount of saliva or one can perceive the taste of blood. Keeping the above in mind, it therefore not advisable to extract a tooth while fasting.
خرج الدم بين اسنانه ودخل حلقه ... يعني ولم يصل الى جوفه ، أما اذا وصل فان غلب الدم أو تساويا فسد وإلا لا ، الا اذا وجد طعمه ( رد المحتار ج٣ص ٣٦٨)
And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
Bleeding Gums While Fasting
Question: What is the ruling if my gums bleed and I swallowed blood while fasting ?
Answer: If the blood which was swallowed with the saliva was more than the saliva or equal to it then the fast will break. In this case Qadha will be waajib.
However, if the blood swallowed was less than the saliva - then the fast will not break.
خرج الدم بين اسنانه ودخل حلقه ... يعني ولم يصل الى جوفه ، أما اذا وصل فان غلب الدم أو تساويا فسد وإلا لا ، الا اذا وجد طعمه ( رد المحتار ج٣ص ٣٦٨)
And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie