Looking At The Sky After Wudhu
Question: What ruling with regards to looking at the sky after Wudhu?
Answer: It is Mustahab( recommended) that one recites the Sahadah and looks at the sky after performing Wudhu.
عن عقبة بن عامر رضى الله عنه عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم نحوه ... قال عند قوله"فاحسن الوضؤ ، ثم رفع نظره الى السماء ( سنن ابي داؤد ج1 ص 26)
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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Takbeer Tahrima Audibly
Question: Does the Takbeer Tahrima have to be said audibly?
Answer: Takbeer Tahrima is the Takbeer that is said for the commencement of Salaah. The utterance of this Takbeer is a pre-requisite for the validity salah . Without Takbeer Tahrima, one’s salah will be invalid. The utterance of the Takbeer Tahrima should be audible enough for one to hear oneself. (This also applies when read Salaah behind an Imam)
من فرائضها التحريمة وهي شرط (رد المحتار ج2 ص129)
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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What To Say After Taking The Name of A Prophet
Question: What should one say after taking thr names of the Ambiya, Sahaba or Tabieen?
Answer: After saying the name of a Nabi, one should say 'عليه السلام' (May peace be upon him); after saying the name of a Sahabi, one should sa 'رضى الله عنه'(May Allah be pleased with him) and after sayibg the name of a Tabi'ee, one should say 'رحمه الله' (May Allah have mercy upon him)
[Fatawaa Mahmoodiya Vol 19/ 147]
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
Subscribe to the Daily Fiqh WhatsApp service by adding +27 72 071 3684 to your Contacts and sending a message with the word ‘Subscribe’. Visit www.dailyfiqh.co.za
When To Read Surah Kahf
Question: What is the best time to read Surah Khaf on Friday?
Answer: It is preferable to recite Surah Kahf after Maghrib on Thursday evening.
قوله "قراءة الكهف" اي يومها و ليلتها, و الافضل في اوّلهما مبادرة للخير و حذراً من الاهمال (رد المختار – ج 1 ص164)
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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