Wearing Thin Scarf
It is not permissible for a lady to offer Salaah with a very thin, flimsy or lacy scarf. (This will apply when it is such that the hair or the body can be seen.) [Bahishti Zewar Page 143]
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Sitting On A High Place When Making Wudhu
*_Etiquette of Wudhu_*
The person making Wudhu should face the _Qiblah_ and sit on an elavated place so that the water does not splash on him/her. [BAHISHTI ZEWAR PAGE 61]
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A Baby’s Vomit
Question: Is the vomit of a suckling infant impure?
Answer: If an infant (or a person) vomits a mouth full – it will be considered Najis (impure). A mouthful is defined as that which the mouth (of the one vomiting) would not be able to hold in without undue difficulty.
It would be necessary to wash the soiled portion of the clothes or body, especially if the amount is more than a Dirham coin (about the size of the inner recess of the palm). If Salaah is performed without washing it then the Salaah will not be done.
In the case when the vomit is a small quantity (less than a mouthful) then it will not be considered to be Najis (impure). It will be sufficient to wipe it clean.
( و ) ينقضه ( قيء ملأ فاه ) بأن يضبط بتكلف ( من مرة ) بالكسر أي صفراء ( أو علق ) أي سوداء وأما العلق النازل من الرأس فغير ناقض ( أو طعام أو ماء ) إذا وصل إلى معدته وإن لم يستقر وهو نجس مغلظ ولو من صبي ساعة ارتضاعه هو الصحيح لمخالطة النجاسة ذكره الحلبي (الدر المختار 1/ 137)
وما ليس بحدث ليس بنجس بكسر الجيم فيلزم من انتفاء كونه حدثا انتفاء كونه نجسا (شرح الوقاية 1/ 69)
فتاوى محمودية 8/ 265
Yusuf Moosagie
Delaying In Performing Qada
If a person misses a Salaah, then on remembering it, he should immediately make Qada of it. It is a sin to delay offering a Qada Salaah without any valid excuse. If a person misses a Salaah and does not make Qada of it immediately, but postpones it to another time or to another day, and then suddenly dies - he will get double sin. One for missing the Salaah and the other for not making Qada of it immediately. [Bahishti Zewar Page 191]
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