Taraweeh In The Masjid
Question: Is it necessary for a male to perform Taraweeh Salaah in a Masjid?
Answer: By reading Taraweeh with Jama’ah at home, one will fulfil one’s duty. However, if it is read in the Masjid one will receive twenty seven times more reward.
وان صلى في بيته بالجماعة لم ينالوا فضل الجماعة في المسجد (الحلبي الكبير ص٤٠٢ )
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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The Status of the Taraweeh Salaah
Question: What is the status of the Taraweeh Salaah?
Answer: Taraweeh is an emphasized Sunnah of the month of Ramadhan. Neglecting the Taraweeh Salah will make a person sinful. The established number of Rakaats that are to be performed are twenty Rakaats. It is Sunnat to read it with Jamaat and to make at least one Khatam of the Quran in the Taraweeh Salaah.
ان التراويح عندنا عشرون ركعة ...
ان الجماعة فيها سنة
(الحلبي الكبير ص ٤٠٦ )
السنة في التراويح إنما هو الختم مرة... والختم مرتين فضيلة والختم ثلاث مرات أفضل ( الفتاوى العالمكيرة ج١ص ١١٧)
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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Bleeding Nose During Fasting
Question: A person’s nose starting bleeding while fasting and he swallowed some blood, will the fast break?
Answer: The nose bleeding in itself will not break the fast, however, the swallowing of blood will. The person will be required to make a Qadha (make up fast) for this day.
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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Breaking A Qadha Fast
Question: A person missed a fast Ramadhan. Whilst performing the Qadha, the person broke his fast. Does he now have to make two Qadhaa fast?
Answer:He will perform only one Qaḍha for the initial fast of Ramadhan that was omitted. An additional fast is not required to make up for the Qaḍha fast that was broken.
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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