Rental For House Not Used
Question: A man rented a house. He was given the key to the place but never stayed in it. What is the ruling?
Answer: He has to pay the rent because he was in a position to use the place.
فيجب الأجر لدار قبضت ولَم تسكن ( لوجود تمكنه من
الانتفاع ) [ فتاوى الشىامى ج٦ ص ١١]
And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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Laws of Ihraam
Question: What are the general laws pertaining to Ihraam?
Answer: Ihraam is a restricted state that one enters into when intending Umrah or Hajj.
The following things become impermissible:
1) Cutting the nails.
2) Trimming or shaving bodily hair.
3) Applying perfume.
4) Hunting land animals or killing insects (unless in the case of self-defense).
5) Showing or directing a hunter towards a prey.
6) For a male to cover his head or face. As for a female, she is required to wear the niqaab in a manner that it does not touch the face. (This can be achieved by wearing the cap-purdah.)
7) Men are not to wear stitched clothing or covered footwear. He should wear such sandles that leave his ankles and the upper and middle portion of the top of each foot (i.e. where the shoe-lace is normally tied) uncovered.(Females are allowed to wear socks and shoes)
8)Sexual intercourse and physical advances on one’s spouse.
9)Using obscene or harsh words.
10)Fighting or disputing.
These are broadly what becames prohibited when in the state of Ihraam.
فاذا لبى فقد احرم ، فليتق ما نهى الله عنه من الرفث والفسوق والجدال ، ولا يقتل صيدا ولا يشير اليه ولا يدل عليه ، ولا يلبس قميصاً ولا سراويل ولا عمامة ولا قلنسوة ولا قباء ولا خفين الا ان لا يجد نعلين ، فيقطعهما من أسفل الكعبين ، ولا يغطي راْسه ولا وجهه ، ولا يمس طيباً ، ولا يحلق راْسه ولا شعر بدنه ، ولا يقص من لحيته ، ولا من ظفره (القدوري ص٢٦٠)
And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
Fara’id of Hajj
Question: What is Fardh in Hajj?
Answer: There are 3 Faraidh in Hajj:
1) Ihram
2) Wuquf (staying) at ‘Arafat
3) Tawafuz Ziyarah
والحج فرضه ثلاثة الاحرام والوقوف بعرفة وطواف الزيارة [فتاوى الشىامى ج٢ص٤٦٧]
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
Charging For No Show From Patient
Question: Can a doctor demand payment, if a patient fails to pitch up for an appointment?
Answer: A patient pays a doctor for his services. In the case where the patient failed to pitch up for an appointment, no service was rendered to the patient. Hence, the doctor can not charge the patient.
(ولا يستحق المشترك الأجر حتى يعمل كالقصار ونحوه) كفتال وحمال و دلال وملاح ،
لان الاجارة عقد معاوضة فتقتضى المساوة بينهما ، فما لم يسلم المعقود عليه للمستأجر لا يسلم له العوض ، والمعقود عليه هو العمل أو اثره على ما بينا فلا بد من العمل - زيلعى
فتاوى الشىامى ج٦ص ٦٤
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie