Question: Can Masah (passing of a wet hand over the head) be made with the wetness that remains on the hands after washing the hands during Wudhu or does a person need to use fresh water?
Answer: One can either use the wetness that remains on the hands for the Masah of the head or one can wet the hands afresh. Both options are allowed.
ومسح ربع الرأس واللحية ، المسح إصابة اليد المبتلة العضو اما بلل من الاناء أو بللا باقيا في اليد بعد غسل عضو من المغسولات - شرح الوقاية ١٥٧(فتاوى محموديه ج٥ /ص٤٥)
And Allah Knows Best
Yusuf Moosagie
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