

Question: What is the ruling with regards to performing Salaah whilst resisting the urge to urinate, defecate or pass wind? 

Answer: It is not permissible for a person to start performing Salaah if he is resisting the urge to urinate, defecate or pass wind. It is narrated in a Hadith:

لا يحل لأحد يُؤْمِن بالله واليوم الأخر ان يصلي وهو حاقن حتى يتخخف (رواه ابو دَاوُدَ ) 

The Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said; "It is not permissible to perform Salaah while resisting the urge (to urinate, defecate or pass wind) until one has fulfilled this need."

Be that as it may, if a person did perform Salaah in this state, the Salaah will be valid and the person does not have to repeat it. Thou, the Salaah will be considered to be Makrooh (deficient). 

And Allah Knows Best

Yusuf Moosagie 

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