

Question: Is it necessary to wet the hands afresh for the Masah (passing a wet hand) on the Khuffain (leather socks)?

Answer: After making Masah of the head, it is necessary to wet the hands again to make Masah of the Khuffain. It is not permissible to use the remaining wetness on one's hands from the Masah of the head for the Masah on the Khuffain.

The reasoning behind this ruling is that - the remaining water on one's  hands after making Masah of the head is deemed as Musta'mal (used water) and it is not permissible to utilize 'used water' to cleanse a limb during Wudhu. 

ولو مسح راسه ثم مسح  خفيه  ببلة بقيت بعد المسح  لا يجوز ( رد  المحتار ج١ص٤٢٦)

And Allah Knows Best

Yusuf Moosagie 

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