

Question: What are the preconditions for the validity of Salaah?

Answer: There are seven preconditions of Salaah;

1) The person performing Salaah should be in state of purity (Wudhu).

2) The body should be clean of a impurities.

3) The place of Salaah should be pure.

4) Salaah should be performed in its respective stipulated time.

5) To wear pure clothing which cover the Awarah. (The Awrah of a male is from below the navel till below the knee. The Awarah of female is her entire body except the hands, face and feet). 

6) To face Qiblah

7) One should have an intention in one’s heart as to which Salaah you are performing. The Muqtadi (follower) should in addition intend that he is following the Imam. [Qudoori Vol 1/ Page 76)

And Allah Knows Best

Yusuf Moosagie 

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