
Question: Is it permissible to perform Salaah on a memory foam Mussallah?

Answer: The general principle is that while performing Salaah, your Sajdah will only be valid if you are able to feel the firmness of the ground through the mat on which  you are making Sajdah.

Memory foam Mussallahs are of varying types and thicknesses, therefore it would not be possible to give a blanket ruling that would cover all types.

Needless to say, if it’s thin, your Salaah will be valid without any issue. If it’s thick, your Salaah will only be valid if you press your head down in Sajdah, till you feel the firmness of the ground. 

Naturally, you may not always be conscious about pressing your head down, hence precaution demands that you avoid performing Salaah on a thick memory foam Mussallah. 

لا يصح لعدم السجود على محله وبشرط طهارة المكان وأن يجد حجم الأرض (قال ابن عابدين رحمه الله:(تحت قوله ان يجد حجم الأرض)  أو حشيش إلا إن وجد حجمه، ومن هنا يعلم الجواز على الطراحة القطن، فإن وجد الحجم جاز وإلا فلا (شامي ج 1 ص 500-501)

And Allah Knows Best

Muhammed Bulbulia  

Yusuf Moosagie 

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