
Questions: If a Muqtadi (a person performing Salaah behind an Imam) missed 3 Rakaats of a 4 Rakaats Fardh Salaah, how will he complete his missed Rakaats?

Answer: After the Salaam of the Imam, the Muqtadi will stand up to perform his 3 missed Rakaats. In the first Rakaat, the Muqtadi will recite Surah Faatiha and a Surah and then sit for Tashahhud. After Tashahhud, he will stand up for the second missed Rakaat and recite Surah Faatiha and a Surah. In the third missed Rakaat, he will only recite Surah Faatiha and then sit for the last Tashahhud and Salaam.
ثم المسبوق يقضي أول صلاته في حق القراءة وآخرها في التشهد
الفتاوى الهندية - ج 1 - ص 101

Yusuf Moosagie

P.S. Answers furnished by Daily Fiqh is in accordance with the Hanafi Madhab.

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