
Question: I have outstanding Qadha Salaah – can I perform Qadha Salaah in place of the Sunnan Salaah?

Answer: There two types of Sunnan Salaah; 1) Sunnah Muakkadah and 2) Sunnah Ghair Muakkadah. Qadha Salaah may NOT be performed in place of the Sunan Muakkadah. Rather Qadha Salaah may be performed in place of the Sunan Ghair Muakkadah and Nawaafil. For example, the 4 Rakaats before Esha and before Asr may be substituted with the Qadha Salaah. [Raddul Muhtar Vol 2 Pg 74]

An easy method to fulfil the Qadhaa-e-Umri is to read one Qadha Salaah with every Fardh  Salaah.

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And Allah Knows Best

Mufti Yusuf Moosagie

Daily Fiqh