
Question: Can a dead person hear?

Answer: Sayyidna Abdullah bin Umar Radiyallahu Anha, holds the view that the dead do hear. This is based on a Sahih hadith:

ما من احد يمر بقبر اخيه المسلم كان يعرفه في الدنيا فيسلم عليه الا رد الله عليه روحه حتى يرد عليه السلام. (ذكره ابن كثير في تفسيره مصححا عن ابن عمر رضى الله عنه)
"When a person passes by the grave of a Muslim brother - whom he knew when he was alive - and greets him, Allah returns the deceased spirit into his body, so that he may respond to the greeting.'


Yusuf Moosagie

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